
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
of the bimba-lip of the Vernal Beauty is heightened in quality
(विशेषितगुणः) by that of the red-flowered Aśoka:'In this case
बिम्बाधरालक्तकः must be considered to mean बिम्बमेव बिम्बरूपो वा
माधव्याः श्रियः योधरस्तस्य अलक्तकः रक्तिमा. But, as suggested above,
this latter interpretation is not so good. बिम्बाधरालक्तकः must
refer to the red lac, women apply to their lips, as do विशेषक and
तिलकक्रिया in the following lines to the marks on the forehead
and on the intervening space between the brows, respectively.
P.38.1.14-Viśesahaka is the mark on the forehead.-कुरबकं &c. Cf.
Vikramorvaśî, Act II. “ कुरबकं श्यामं द्वयोर्भागयोः' &c.
P.38.1.15-Tilaka signifies the Tila-like mark between the brows.
P.38.1.16.-श्रीर्माधवी. On this personification of the Vernal Beauty, cf:
Vikramorvaśî, Act II, “निषिञ्चन्माधवीं लक्ष्मीं लतां कौन्दीम् च लासयन्:"
Also many other passages passim in Raghuvaḿśa and Ritusam-
P.40,1.2. –सोधुपाणुव्वेजिअस्स &c. Vidûshaka seems to mean that the
King, who is already maddened by his passion for Mâlavikâ, will
be still more so, when he seees her alone, just as a man that is
already intoxicated by drink and is helpless under its iniuence
is rendered still more helpless by drinking or eating anything
that is sweet On vidûshaka's simile, see Śâkuntala, Act II,
भो जधा पिण्डीखज्र्जूरेहिं" &&c, p. 38, Calc. Bd. 1860.
P.41,1.1–नितम्बबिम्मे. Cf p. 49, 1. 10.
P.41,1.4. –शरकाण्डपाण्डुगण्डस्थला, ‘with her cheeks turned pale white
like the inner part of the Ś'ara grass:
P.41,1.8.-एवम्, scil. ‘मअणवाहिणा परिभिठ्ठा' इति
P.41,1.9.-लालिअदो हलापेख्खी. See p. 54, 1. 5.
P.41,1.15.—किसलयपुटभेदसकरानुगतः, किसलयपुटभेदेभ्यो निर्गतैः सीकरैरन्वितः