
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P.42.1.3-अवेक्षते, ‘cares for;• = gives heed to.' Lit. — sees, looks
at.' On the fondness of the elephant for the lotus, cf: the fol-
lowing from the Kuvalayânanda:-
रात्रिर्गमिष्याति भविष्यति सुप्रभातं
भास्वानुदेष्यति हसिष्यति पङ्कजश्रीः
इत्थं विचिन्तयति कोशगते द्विरेफे
हा हन्त हन्त नालिनीं गज उज्जहार ।
रविततो गजः पद्मंस्तद्गृह्यान्बाधितं ध्रुवम् ।
सरो विशति न स्नातुं गजस्नानं हि निष्फलम् ।
G's reading deserves notice: “न हि कमलिनीं सरितं दृष्ट्वा ग्राहं गणयति
P.4,1.10.-तत्त्वावबोधैकरसो न तर्क, ‘ Nor does conjecture like to
acquaint me with that only which is true ;' i.e. it is no use to try
my skill in conjecture, as this may as probably lead me to what
is not the truth.
P.42,1,14-अप्पिअमाणसंदेसा, ‘अर्पितो मदनसंदेशो यस्यै सा. •Charged
with your message of love.' She had not yet delivered the
message to Mâlavikâ, and so we cannot say, अर्पितो मदनसंदेशो
P.43,1.2–अहंवि दाणिं एदं ण विसुमरेमि- even I have not forgotten it'
It is easy to see the ludicrousness of the remark.
P.43,1,7–G reada, not perhaps undesirably, simply ‘‘ जोग्गदाए,” and
not दोहलकरणजोग्गदाए.
P. 43, 1. 8.-सालत्तअं. It was not only the sole of the foot that was
to be besmeared with the red dye, but the whole foot up to the
ankle. See p. 49, 1 , 7, « आर्द्रलक्तकं चरणं." Cf also Ratnâvali ,
Act III, आताम्रतामपनयामि विलक्ष एष लाक्षाकृत चरणयोस्तव देवि मूर्घ्ना"

p42, II, 9, 10.Calc. Ed. Sam/ 1921