
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P. 49, 1. 15–अवचणोअं मन्तेसि, ‘You talk nonsense' मन्त्रय् is properly
to mutter in a low voice,’ as a mantra, from which word the
verb is derived. But in the present passage, as also very often
in Prâkrit, मन्त्र य means simply “to speak ' When Bakulâivalikâ
says, in answer to Mâlavikâ's remark, मन्तिदव्यं एव्व मए मन्तिदं, she
plays upon the word मन्तिदव्वं, which means both ’ that which
deserves to be said, and also ‘that which one has to say,’ i. e. is
commissioned to say. As for Bakulâvalikâ's commission on the
present occasion, see p. 35, 1. 8 et seqq
P.50,1.8.-पुढमं भणिदं विअ हदासाए उत्तरं . * ’The wench has her
answers, as it were, learned by rote.’ Nipunikâ means that
Bakulâivalikâ's answers to the questions of Mâlavikâ are given in
such a ready way, as if she had been taught by some one previously what answers to give if such and such questions should
be asked, and such and such dificulties started, by Mâlavikâ.
गुणिदं as read by MS. G, as well as by Tulberg in place of our
भणिदं,” has the same meaning, ’repeated”, got or learned by
rote, by repetition. -हदासा is a slang word corresponding to the
Marâțthî मेलो, so often used by our illiterate women.
P. 51, 1. 1.-अप्पणे छन्देण. Cf. Vikramorvaśî, Act III,“विज्ञाप्यतां देवीं यस्तव
छन्द इति
P. 5l,1. 7.–दुज्जादा. An abusive word of endearment (though not
always), like हदासा-अच्चन्तसहाइणो. अच्चन्त, because the enterprise is so difficult
P. 5l,l,8.-विमद्दसुरहो,‘ giving more and more fragrance the closer it
comes in contact with us. Bakulâivalikâ puns upon her own name,
which literally means a garland of Bakula flowers. And she
means, that as such a garland gives more and more fragrance the
longer it is worn in close contact with the body so her serviceableness will be known by degrees as Mâlavikâ comes more and more
in contact with het, i. e., becomes better acquainted with her
on विमर्द cf. Ś'âkuntala, p. 178, 1. 8, Calc. Ed. 1860.