
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्


P.61,1.8-तामाश्रित्य &c. That is, श्रुतिपथगतायां तस्य विषये या आस्था तया
करणेन लब्धं मूलं येन सः = श्रुतिपथगतमालविकासंबन्धिनो या आस्था तदेव
मूलं यस्य सः The agent to आश्रित्य is आस्थया .
P.61,1.4.-रूढरागप्रवालः i.e., रूढो रागः प्रीतिरेव प्रवालो येन सः .
P.61,1.5.-हस्तस्पर्शे मुकुलित इव &c. C. Vikramoraśî, Act I, “स्पृष्टं
सरोमकण्टकमङ्कुरितं मनसिजेनेव.” MS. G has « हस्तस्पशैर्मुकुलित इवः"
P.61,1.16-बिडालगहीदाए परहुदिआए. This must probably refer to a
tame cuckoo kept in a cage, as it is otherwise difficult to see
how a cat can catch a wild one.
P.62,1.1.–पिङ्गलछ्छीए (= पिङ्गलाक्ष्या). This refers to Queen Dhâriņî .
P.62,1.1.–सारभण्डभूमिघरए. A भूमिघर is a cellar, or a compartment
under ground. सारभण्डभूमिघर seems to mean a cellar which
was used as a storehouse or as a room to keep provisions in.
The cellars are of course dark.
P.62,1.3.—मत्संपर्कम् & c. MS. G reads, “ मत्संबन्धमुपलक्ष्य."
P.62,1.7.–देविं सुंह पुछ्छिदुं ‘ inquire after the Queen's health’, as she
was suffering from the fall. MS G has " सहपुछ्छिआ. "
P.62,1.8.—किं णलख्खिदो &c. This is a somewhat difficult passage, if
not corrupt The meaning, however, is pretty clear. Translate :
Why is it I have not seen lately our dear one ?’ referring to the
King . The other said, 'Little is the regard he pays you now,
since he is no longer your beloved, but of your maid-servant
Do you not know that?’ मन्दो वो उवआरो literally means, 'scanty
is his salutation to you', * e. he does not care to come and pay
his respects to you. परिजणस्स वल्लहत्तणं does not mean परिजणो
रण्णो वल्लहो जाओ, but is equivalent to ‘राआ परिजणस्स वल्लहो, ण उण