
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
as they are of large eyes. This means that though women do
desire to have a full glance of their lovers who come within their
view for the first time, yet they will not look such persons full
in the face and satisfy themselves. Such is their modesty.
च.... च means 'though=yet.'
P.74,1.10–-MS G has अन्तेवुरजणं” for देवीजणं.
P.75,1.4. –-कान्तापराधकुपितेषु .i e. ‘कान्तेन कृतं अपराधे आगतेषु कोपेषु:-
विनेतुः‘of her teacher’. 'To be construed with शिक्षा, and not with
संदर्शिता. विनेतुः शिक्षा, subjective genitive. The lesson she had
received from her preceptor
P.75,1.10.--पञ्चाणोअदि i. e. त्यज्यते. प्रति has here the sense of ’undoing”
प्रति आनी, it. ’to send back”
P.75,1.13.--किमेवमयि. It were also possible to divide this into किमेव
मायि, and construe एव with चित्रार्पितचेष्टया.
P.76.1.6.-MS G reads « स्थित्वा स्थित्वा” for स्थित्वा स्वप्नेः
P.76,1.7.–अबला सती. These are both common epithets of a woman .
In the present passage the pun in अबला सतो, ’though she is an
abalâ' (= weak), is apparent enough.
P.76,1.8.-—समागममायया, ‘ by the delusion of a meeting
P.77,1.6-–लङ्घिदुं , ‘to bite’, to browse the sprouts of Cf: Śâkuntala,
p.172,1.14, Calc. Ed, 1860. On the poet's artifice of withdrawing any character when no longer wanted on the stage, cf. Śâkuntala, p. 62, 11. 5–8,Calc. Ed. 1860.
P.77,1.9.--एवम्, viz. बालाशोकस्य पल्लवनां हरिणलङ्घनाद्रक्षणे यथा.
P.77,1.10-–MS. G altogether omits the two speeches एवमस्मद्रक्षणे ।
&c. and एदं वि &c.
P.78,1.3.सिलाविसेसस्स, ’of this excellent stone”. On this meaning
of विशेष at the end of compounds, see Vikramorvaśî, Act IV.
आकिदिविसेसा चिरं दुख्खभाइणो &c.