
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P.78,1.9.--अतिमुक्तलता. This plant is identified with what is known in
Marâthî by the name of Kusarîi or Kastûrî Mogarâ. 'The act of
the Kusari (अतिमुक्तलताचरितम्) that the poet alludes to is the
coiling itself by the plant round, or grasping with its tendrils,
the mango tree, on which it is propped up.
P.78,1.13--जो ण भाएदि &c. Mâlavikâ refers to such passages as
those at p. 17, 1. 15; p. 56, 1. 12 et seqq.
P.78,1.16.-बैम्बिकानाम्, ‘धूर्तानाम् ,’ •of lovers,’ ‘ of persons versed in
love matters.’ बैम्पिक is derived from विम्ब which is, though not by
itself, used to signify the loins. C श्रोणोबिम्ब &c. above Act III.
St.20.-–कुलव्रतम. A kulavrata is a family custom inherited
from generation to generation, such as the celebration, for instance, of a festival in honour of any deity on a particular day, annually . A kulavratais observed by every member of a family
when divided, whereas a common ,vrata does not descend from
father to son an need not be taken up by the members of a
divided family. By calling दाक्षिण्य a kulavratathe king means
that it is common to all lovers and must necessarily be observed
by them.
P.79.1.5.--रशनाव्यापार, viz. that of unclasping it.-पातुम् &c. Construe : पक्ष्मलचक्षुः आननं पातुम् , [तद् आननम्] उन्नमयतः मम सतः[तद् ]
साचीकरोति-व्याजेनापि. Though all this is but pretended? The
king means that Mâlavikâ's opposition was not real, but merely
a playful excuse :
P.79,1.ll. --हञ्जे सञ्चं तुह &c. Compare with these two speeches a
similar dialogue between Queen Auśînarî and her maid in Vikra-
morvaśî, Act II., “ हञ्जे णिउणिए सञ्चं लदापरं वीसन्तो अज्जमाणवसहाओ
दिट्ठो महाराओत्ति" &c.
P.79,1.14.-–संसआदो णिम्मुत्तं, ‘just rescued from the jaws of death,’
referring to Vidûshaka's late escape from death from the snakebite.