
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

P.84,1.10.-–अपूर्वोयमुपचारः This should be construed as an answer to
Irâvatî's sarcastic congratulation, अवि सिध्धा &c, and be translated
This is an extraordinary manner of salutation.
P.84,1.18.--किं दद्दुरा बाहरन्तिन्ति &c. Bakulâvalikâ means, that whatever she and her poor friend Mâlavikâa might have said (see pp.
49–55) about the King, that talk would have no more effect on
the king's love to Irâvatî, than the croaking of the frogs on the
desire of the cloud to refresh the earth.
P.85,1.2-–विसुमरिदो, as shown by his giving her an answer in the
words ’अपूर्वोयमुपचारः” to her cutting and bitter salutation.
P.85,1.2.-–पसादं ण गेण्हेसि,"are not yet reconciled, ‘ प्रसन्ना न भवसि'
अनुनयं ग्रह is used in the same sense. C£ Śâkuntala, p . 77,. 15,
Calc. Ed. 1860.
P.85,1.8--ग्रह, scil. Râhu.
P.85,1.1-—G has “ककसा for हस्सा.
P.86,1.1-–णिपुणिए. ... दिठ्ठ्ं भवदोए पख्खवादित्तणं. 'This is of course
ironical. Irâvatî now suspects, that the Queen Dhâriņî had really
liberated Mâlavikâ and her friend, not to oblige the King, who
was alleged to desire their freedom on the ground of the day
being a festive occasion, but that she had done so designedly to
aid the King's intrigue with her पख्खवादित्तणं, as shown at first
by the confinement of Mâlavikâ and her friend.
P.86,1.6-–चिल्लाए मुहे पडिदो &c. Vidûshaka alludes to what may
probably befall poor Mâlawikâ when the Queen Dhâriņîi comes
to learn through Irâvatî’s message of what took place in the
Samudragŗiha. He expects some such punishment to be inflicted
upon Mâlavikâ with her friend and upon himself as that awarded
by Queen Vâsavadattâ to Sâgarikâ and Vasantaka. C. Ratnâvalî
val, Act III, ad fin. “ वासवदत्ता । सकोषम्। हञ्जे कञ्चणमालीदेण एव्व