
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

P. 97, 1. 11–विदर्भविषयोपायने, ‘in the present from the country of the
Vidarbhas'.—शिल्पिदारिके, ‘शिल्पिन्यौ च ते दारिके च शिल्पिदारिके’
Cf Pâņini, VI, 3, 42. MS. G reads शिल्पकारके.
P. 98 1, 4–आआभि &c. MS. G has: आआमि सुहं वा दुख्खं वा हिअअं समथ्थोकरोदि.
P. 98, 1. 10. –मालविका परिव्राजिका च &c. It is not correct to read this
stage-direction thus: मालविकां परिव्राजिकां च चेत्यो दृष्ट्वा परस्परमवलोकयतः'Though we have not yet been told by the author that
Mâlavikâ and the Parivrâjikâ knew each other, as they really
did (cf. p. 100, 1. 18), we must still read the words as they are
given in the present edition, on the authority of all our MSS.*
For if the चेत्यो looked at each other to imply, that they
recognised Mâlavikâ and Parivrâjikâ, they would rather burst into
surprise immediately than subsequently, when the Queen calls
Mâalavikâ by her name.
P. 99, 1. 1–G has अभिविनीते भवत्यै for "अभियोगो भवत्योः" ; and it reads
the following answer thus: भट्ट संगीदे अभिविणीदेम्ह.
P. 100, 1. 1.-पादुआपरिभाएण दूसिदं, • ’defiled by being made into shoes.'
G reads पादुपयोगेणः
P. 100, 1. 11.-सरओओ‘voice: Lit. ’a harmony of several sounds or
notes. G reads सरजोओ. Cf. Śâkuntala, Act V. वीणाए सलसं-
जोओ सुणिअदि;" P. 103, 1, 5, Calc. Ed. 1860.
P. 101, 1. 6. -अत्तहोदीए, i.e. of Mâlavikâ.
P. 101, 1.11 वैदिशगामिनम्, ‘ going to the Vaidiśa country. Vaidiśa
means the country in which Vidiśa was a city. See above,
note on page 67, 1.3.
P. 101, 1. 14–स चाटव्यन्ते, 'encamped in a forest' Cf. Raghuvaḿś'a
II.58 "वृत्तः स नौ संगतयोर्वनान्ते’ &c.and our note ad loc. MS.
G, however, reads स चाटव्यन्तरे

 G, however, reads —मालविकां पारिव्राजिकां च” &c.