
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

to be disappointed. ' Cf. note on page 21, 1. 10. लङ्घैस्सदि (लङ्घयिष्यति), ‘ will hurt, ‘ will cause harm to.' Cf. note on page 77, 1. 6–पकिदिथ्थो (प्रकृतिस्थः), ‘ recovered. C£. note on page 69, 1.2–उवआरादिक्कमं पमज्जिदुं (उपचारातिक्रमं प्रमार्ष्टुम्), ‘to atone for disdaining the king's prostration. Cf, note on page 8२, ii, 5, 6–अभ्भवहार (अभ्यवहारः, eating, dinner' Cf. note on page 82, 1. 7–वसन्दावदारसूभआणि (वसन्तावतारसूचकानि), ‘indicative of the first appearance of spring: Cf. note on page 36, 1. 10- पस्सपरिवटिणी (पार्श्वपरिवर्तिनी), ‘ standing by . Cf. note on page 95,1. 6–पर्याप्तमेतावता कामिनां, ‘this that I hear is enough for lovers.' Cf. note on page 53, 1. 5–एत्तिओ मे विहवो (एतावान्मे विभवः), ‘ thus far the flight of my genius and no further. Cf. note on page 28, 1.7 -भप्पणो छन्देन (आत्मन” छन्देन)’ after thy own wish.' Cf note on page 51, 1. 1–विशेष, at the end of a compound, giving the notion of 'excellence' to the sense of the substantive to which it is affixed, as भाकृतिविशेष शिलाविशेष. Cf note on page 78, 1. 8-विभावेमि (विभावयामि,) I recognise, ° I infer . C f . note on page 73,1 ; 7- अलं भवदो परिदेविएण (अलं भवतः परिदेवितेन), ‘away with your lamentation.' Cf . note on page 35, l. 7. These are some of the analogies of expression which strike at once a careful reader and comparer of the three dramas as being characteristic of one and the same author. A few more, not noticed here, may be found in the Notes. Any one that makes it his object to find such analogies from the three poems-Raghuvamśa, Kumârasambhava, and the Ritusamhâra, and the three dramas of Śâkuntala, Vikramorvaśî and Mâlavikâgnimitra,-will, doubtless, be able to swell the list I have given above,