पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/१०१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

संस्कृतपरीक्षानाम सप्तमं प्रकरणम् ७७ ॥२॥


अस्थि । परेकी शेल पाककवि कथन अनविन विश्वन शे७ भारत ना। 7499 stata a optato affca 67 Page ostala Tiftfoto peal [ 69fatal Eqerfacpi yo paauto face totalt 1709 कनिदान कटनर खान विघटन पवनामक रश्या थाटक । पक्ककान निष Ty62f9o Feat eta 749e catra tot 39949 789 affei 7599 foto teach 7767] English Translation :-The author, in order to refute the arguments of the opponent says that if that is to be admitted through extreme eagerness, even disregarding points of logic, that will not in any way help the opponent. Lamp obstructs darkness, darkness is dispelled by lamp. It is a matter of general law that obstructor (vadhaka) and the obstructed (vadhya) partake of opposite nature with reference to the same object. The jar which is enlightened by light is covered by darkness. So if one admits that the lamp enlightens itself and others, then it will also have to be admitted that darkness covers itself and others. In that case darkness can never be perceived by others for an object whose nature is itself covered cannot be known by knowledge. [According to the opponent, Vaibhasikas, the object (visaya) lends its form to knowledge and as such knowledge illumines the object. So if darkness itself remains covered it is not possible that its form will be lent to knowledge. So it cannot be preceived.] ||12|| कि चान्यत् । इहायमुत्पादो यद्यात्मानमुत्पादयेत्, स उत्पन्नो वा स्वात्मानमुत्पादयेदनुत्पन्नो वा। उभयथा च नोपपद्यते इत्याह- अनुत्पन्नोऽयमुत्पादः स्वात्मान जनयेत कथम् । अथोत पन्नो जनयते जाते कि जन्यते पुनः॥१३|| यद्यनुत्पन्न उत्पादः स्वात्मानमुत्पादयेत् मुण्डकजटाशिरोमणि- रप्यात्मानमुत्पादयेत्। अथोत्पन्न उत्पादयेत्, किमुत्पन्नस्यापरणोत्- पादेन प्रयोजनमिति। एवं तावदुत्पाद आत्मान' नोत्पादयति ॥