पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/१११

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

संस्कृतपरीक्षा नाम सप्तम प्रकरणम् ८७ निर्विरोधमुपलभामहे, यत उत्पन्न नैव उत्पद्यते नवा अनुत्पन्नमुत्- पद्यते, उत्पद्यमानमपि नोत्पद्यते इति तस्माद् उत्पत्तिक्रियैव नास्तीत्यायातम् ॥१५॥ ostate-f75at1 cutat graco 97052 CT TS911 998 7789271 syfofo tegonta gfagi fage als 2150 216, 2179 Teatre a777 976 fg7! 67165 170 175 testfe font prata

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English Translation :- The opponent may argue here that the supposition that there is no scope of third (thing to be born) outside the two, namely born, and unborn (utpanna and anutpanna), is not tenable, for one must admit the existence of a verb in the form of origination (utpatti), The object which will be connected with this act of origina- tion will at that state be counted as being born ( utpadya- mana) for we accept the theory of Pratityasamutpada. The verse is placed here to oppose this contention of the opponent. The opponent argues that an object depending on the act of origination may be called would-be-born (ut-