पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/१३०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

मूलमध्यमककारिका form 'tisthati,' is indicative of existence. It is to be examined now whether the form Tisthati is possible or not with reference to any object. On examination it will be found that the term Tisthati cannot be applied with reference to any object. Objects have been classified as past ( atita ), future ( anagata ) and present ( vartamana ). The term 'tisthati' cannot be applied with reference to an object which is past, because the form indicates present tense and present tense is opposed to past tense. Nor can it be applied with reference to a future object, for future is also opposed to present which is indicated by Tisthati. The term Tisthati cannot be used even with reference to an object which is present, because the existence (Bartamanatva ) of an object is what is meant by Tisthati. So to use the word Tistathi with reference to an object which is present will be nothing other than repetition of meaning ( punarukti). Thus the verb Tisthati cannot be applied with respect to the past, present and future. An object which has not been origi- nated cannot have the verb Tisthati. So sthiti ( existence ) cannot be determined with reference to any object. | 22 ॥ the अपि चेयं स्थितिनिरुध्यमानस्य भावस्य स्थात्, अनिरुध्यमानस्य वा, उभयथा च न युज्यत इति प्रतिपादयन्नाह- स्थितिनिरुध्यमानस्य न मावस्योपपद्यते । यश्चानिरुध्यमानस्तु स भावो नोपपद्यते॥२३|| निरुध्यमानस्य निरोधाभिमुखस्य तोवदभावस्य विरोधिनी स्थितिर्न संभवति। यश्चाप्यनिरुध्यमानः स भाव एव न भवति। कुतस्तस्य स्थितिभविष्यति । मञ्जु व्याख्या ॥ किं चान्यत् भवता परिकल्पमानयं स्थितिः कीदृशं भावमाश्रयेत् निरु- ध्यमानमनिरुध्यमानं वा? संस्कृतत्वेनाभिमतानां भावानां निरुध्यमानत्वं