पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/४७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

गगरक्तपरीक्षा नाम षष्ठ प्रकरणम् २३ otstaf*pfatti castra 2074 gatto 67 0217 73510 tat- G# CU 94669 71 7129 geray 7351079 afastar ( 73577 ay effta 3274 116F )1 942 98144137 afico 91058 68 279677851077 eftats al afany othay foti afla 67 735ta to a gery Carica pau affi tefte qe74 chata caaltea offpcg utst 7632 735ta eff479 faut als ffy 9284 911 TfFC9 73577 थरिकना शख्तार मजव श्रेज शेन अथक पकाउरे बावशक । रेशश नया att ca Csitarea agfo glem 7078 9781779 750ta 81 8167 ogte atst 472 G19 0497 BTTCE 5777911 #f119e tating - gia fasitas 175 CT 407 i to cecs atstraat afacersa CT gerpy efec73 75507 69 ( perts pouceg 15517 fica a1) at af afstalo 57 UTEN 69 Cartca fuota gts 472 71 94479 fra optie fpa1? f 15079 79 795 a1477# of Teca Tg1677 12379 pata opus affico 9173 a poat: tsicha qes519 676 1115 ERU afaco 2669 I fex fasta faca CF2Y Tigra 67 tating 9474 175 ată F139 CT GETO 181 75919 atatatate 34 98673 DER 7879778479479 459 gratatia379137 och pou 695 RON aytop I UT894 95 67 69 of47979 gza saioeta tatatert a CT 9999 afofo vya 4G antceta getsranta 176 EUONY Etique Pfad utay at Peca Attrarfyrat etay170 1719 11 Togg atste 79 43 gia 73 af 470947 qu7sica yarro it atat FECT tetaan geen 145 $CT 472 667 478 foco tamang atatay frappuja 75519 alicu 9175, fax gats 992 nga tfafatsita qe79 fast atsi 599 latino atatatf4796417 7012ay catenta? ||७|| Explanatory Translation :-We have seen that separate- ness cannot be cause of co-existence, (for separateness can exist even in the absence of co-existence). It may be argued that the proposition should be like this : Separateness is strictly essential in case of co-existence. So the co-existence of Raga and Rakta may be taken for granted if it is admi- tted that they are separate. On it Nagarjuna says: if in the opinion of the opponent, co-existence is possible only in