पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/६७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

रागरतापरीक्षानाम सप्तमं प्रकरणम् ४३ - 101 09 SON 3310 afqay Fto ay #fata taifisite poti 7835 fata grace $691 7730957445 507 facateiti poate testa giero 735 afany 7730 Facatat seata **7 760p 99 99179 71, Ftaa Facatat 1 prae alij fogata 27c7 al 975 tot 6FT विशमान थाटक ना पगन व कशन नका रशेट भारत ना। 07047 Esta asforç po africae tatay 601 9501TU 4773 91 || Explanatory translation - In the sixth chapter under the heading of Raga-rakta-pariksa refutation has been made of the Skandhas, Dhatus and the Ayatanas. In this chapte the objects will be refuted in a different manner, The Vaibhasikas admit the existence of all the objects in the three stages, past, present and future, or in other words they are always existent. Yet all the objects are not eternal (nitya ). Akasa (ether ), Pratisam khya-nirodha and Apratisamkhya nirodha, these three are regarded as Asamskrta ( unconstituted ) and they are eternal. All the eno remaining objects are called Samskrata ( constituted ), Inspite of the existence of the objects at all times, they (the objects ) are constantly undergoing changes through the processes like birth (jati ), (jara ) and decay ( marana ). So the constituted objects ( samskrta padarthas ) are not permanant ( nitya ) because of their origin and decay. It is for this reason that origin, existence and decay have been declared as characteristics of constituted objects. As a result of the existence of these characteristics it is understood that constituted objects are ever-existent ( sat ), for what is non-existent, can not have either origin or decay. It is not possible to have origin or decay of the son of a barren woman. Then it comes to this that the objects which have been characterised by ori- gin, existence and decay must be ever-existent (Sat) obiects. The seventh chapter has been written with the specific purpose of refuting the opinion of the Vaibhasikas, the opinion of which is called Sarvastiva. The verse states that in as much as objects are characterised by origin, existence and decay, they (these three) are to be regarded as charac- SHUS S 97 1393 SIT existence 1003