पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/६८

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

88 मूलमध्यमककारिका teristics of the constituted objects. The question is whether the three, namely, origin, existence and decay are also cons- tituted or not. If origin as substance is not regarded as cons- tituted then it should be regarded as unconstituted. In that case (i.e., in the case of its unconstituted nature) it cannot be regarded as characteristic of constituted object, for un- constitutedness is contradictory to constitutedness. If on the other hand they (origin etc.) are regarded as constituted element (samskrta padaratha) then as they are also included in the constituted category, they must have separate charateristics. Then we must admit origin of origin, existence of existence, and decay of decay, and this will lead us to infinite regress. So it will not be possible to state that origin, existence and decay are characteristics of constituted objects. One may however argue that the defect, pointed out above, arises out of regarding the origin, existence and decay as constituted. That may be avoided by regarding them as unconstituted and in that case they may be described as characteristics of constituted objects. By way of answer we may say that objects are classified under two categories. If origin etc. are not regarded as constituted they must be admitted as falling under the category of unconstituted. By nature the two, constitutedness and unconstitutedness are contradictory. So origin etc. beeause of their unconsti- tuted nature cannot be the characteristic of constituted objects, for rival contradictory qualities cannot co.exist in the same object. And that (quality) which does not exist in the object, cannot be its characteristics. So it comes to this that origin, existence and decay cannot be the charac- teristics of the constituted even if they are regarded as unconstituted. अपि चेम उत्पादादय: संस्कृतस्य लक्षणत्वेन परिकल्पामाना व्यस्ता वा पृथग्वा लक्षणत्वेन परिकल्प्येरन्। समस्ता वा सहभूता उभयथा च न युज्यते इत्याह- वा।