पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/७२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

85 03 मूलमध्यमककारिका 774311a afaca o tal de seca fafo 47: sau CP 99 ceata 492 teotto 8 59*436799 faro, feſt og teatraju 6779 55 98 986 7*4567*t afasto 1 7 ts frete 77 ot57 tata cptable PT96F 71529 galo peto ptfaca at, atata 10 fgft 99:59TOUC797 te917 91717tg noe H 2 344374peat ratsti, 119 fafo 972 511 17 GP5417 oftcatat gas peata opt#1*105 951 730 faceta 97000 9703 11 ffo 978 55 93 930 (4t7 7967 478 are PCI teatr 99: 5**17 feft Fas: PCI 971667 769 senta care affic-17 71gas at afaca i la tatcf athus praat FIT #91 97 157 67 Ctcp pale al graal tara at #179 teatr 972 54fo cpta TATUS 753 CARICO 97891 STIFIC*7 GAJSCA 741 शेव न। तर अनौक रेग्न ७ । नका २८७ शान ना। 57 796 97 कि थप्योका। og af 45 foaroc fa5169 47 67 959 971 51 51 67 Tong ca 590 què et prato F150 caistao aty entfera fotat fafato peat acosta ay cace foarta Betcha fata 77891 pa asta's pats 972 Fita agro feat 47737967 218 CT 4107 at #179 9791 977 fapai funt: fafeto 1 FIORI 9701 9501669 917770 7994 Paattia i English Translation :- The author now takes a different stand with respect to the three, namely origin, existence and decay. These three have been stated to be character- istics of the constituted. Now the question is whether they are regarded as characteristics individually or collectively (in a group). If they are regarded as characteristics in individual capa- city then it must be admitted that they (each of them) in- dividually are able to characterise the object. In that case origin (devoid of existence and decay), existence (devoid of origin and decay) and decay (devoid of origin and exis- tence) will individually be regarded as characteristics. But none of them can be taken as characteristic (of objects) for