पृष्ठम्:मूलमध्यम-कारिका (६-७ प्रकरणे).djvu/८२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

45 मूलमध्यमककारिका - State-eteta testoas atg1 pastro TTT festatsetta etely testing Gap Lontop al 1946 #lf #11 einfáto peatce I Gatta Bete ant pay peca ca efecats40073 tai teettino peats facta tenta decatSTIFT 597 to 9779 al fat ata € 69 for teata gig Tegiong atau teettipo F1 g Fet afaca 2117- 1299977 favja teging gmað afarat pay #17 pfato &, 7799 tecat919 of facta tentang 916577 at 21777 UTRY $69677 विजय नारनव जनक शेख नाप्न न।। 17 9797 pecat pefis fola Es91c77 218 219 Teatt777 opfer 120 plata gjetats 91777 Gap facto teapta og fellt paa 770 79 71, 7479 ja PETU Cg fagata afpatio TETT 69 tenta facta teata Paat otato Gap 9173 at goate facta ts417 27 teg1777 ga?, et cela Gora 271 मन नपरु ॥७॥ English Translation :-- In the previous verse, it has been pointed out that the second utpada, in the condition of being produced by the first utpada can not be producer ( janaka ) of the first utpada. It is now being proved that it cannot be the producer of the first utpada even if it is produced by the first utpada. If we are to state that the second utpada is produced by the first utpada then we are to admit that the first utpada must precede the second, for the cause must precede the effect. If we admit this ( prece- dence of the first utpada in relation to the second ) then it is not reasonable to suppose that second utpada is producer of the first utpada, for second utpada which originates later than the first utpada, which is already existing, can not be reasonably its producer. 1611 अत्राह। उत्पद्यमान एव मूलोत्पाद उत्पादोत्पाद' उत्- ureala la wa sągietaget gatąure gafasualfa i उच्यते- 1