
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

39 P. 86. L. 15. teeno] I am sent as & messenger or I merely deliver the message. P. 87. L. 7–8 (Verse 1). Defling the night with blamable vice (lit. giving a censurable guilt to the night) and conquering sleep and watch I have become pale (lit, void of lustre) at the day-break like the moon on account of the termination of tlie night. [wai )-- निशा अनर्थकरी इत्यपवादरूपं दोषं दत्वा or चौर्येण दूपयित्वा -I have proved that the night is really mischievous or I have through theft noiled it. Cf. --'बहुदोषा हि शर्वरी'-Supra f. 58.वचनीय.] To bo said, censurable.--[सूर्यो०] सूर्योदयेन मन्दाः निष्प्रभा रश्मयः यस्य सः. The moon is pale in the morn, so is Sarvilaka wlio ig renvorse-stricken and intimidated leonuse of his foul deed.-[क्षपा]-(क्षपयसि चेष्टा-क्षये- अस्याण्ण्यन्तान्मितः पचायच् ) night. 'निशा निशीथिनी रातिस्नियामा क्षणदा क्षपा' -अमर:- Metre उपजाति. P. 87. L. 10-13. (Verse 2) My guilty conscience fears him who with rapid steps belolds me who are bewildered or him who hastily approaches me who ai standing or ench and every one. Indeed man is intimniduted by his own crimes.--- [caltatie:.] Of quick gait. [f:. ] Afraid of or apprehensive.-- (Twerfer) ---ff- क्षते अनोऽयं मां चौर इति ज्ञातवान् न वेति. The Rhetorical figure here is अर्थान्तरन्यासः-Particular Corroboration.-सामान्येन विशेषसमर्थनरूपः. 'सामान्यं वा विशेपो वा तदन्येन समर्थ्यते । यत्तु सोऽर्थान्तरन्यासः साधम्येणेतरण Mammata.Tetre प्रहार्पणी-व्याशाभिर्मनजरगाः प्रहर्षिणीयम्. P. 87. L. 1.1. [मदनिकायाः कृते.]-कृते 'for,' for the sake of- governs the genitive case. Cf.-'अमीषां प्राणानां कृते.' Bhartrihari, Vairagya III. 36. P. 87. ... 15-18 (Verse 3). I neglected him who was intent on conversation with the truin and avoided the louse solely in- habited by a female (lit. seeing that its owner was a woman). I stood (film) liko the door-post when town guard was at hand. With such hundred tricks I turned the night into day.---[30] --परिजनेन परिवारेण कथा सत्रासक्तः.--[गृहदारु.] Joor-post.- [स्थाणुः.] Firm.--[दिवसकृता.] अभूतसद्भावे रिजः-I made the night full of action like the day. Metre हरिणी-नसभरसलागः षड्वेदैईयैहरिणी मता. P. 87. L. 21. [1] Palm Icaf used as a fan. stai #IT- पुस्तकम्'--अमरः P. 88. L. 5-6 (Verse 4). Surpassing even the god of lore Roy her excellences, she shines liko Rati incarnate and makes my heart burning with the fire of love cold like sandal.--[rantary) Excel. Of. Malavikignimitra III. b.-रक्ताशोकविक्षेषितगुणो बिम्बाधरा.

  • . The verse is cited in the Subhashitaratnabhåndagîra.

[चन्दनशीतलम्]-यन्दनेन शीतल-Cool because of its being besraeared रण वा.'