
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

50 P. 109. L. 7. [युष्माकं०] वाणिज्य विमा ईशबिभवविस्तारस्यासंभवात् प्रेमनिर्मल kc.--रूपकालङ्कारः. Maitreya is too humourous here. P. 110. I. 2. [पदोला.] Silken swings.-[सुवर्णयूधिका.] Yellow jasmine. P. 110 L. 3. [शेफालिका.] Vitex Negando.-[मालती.] Jasmi- num grandiflorum.-- (Hei.] Jasminum Zambac.[Tante far.] Doublo jasmine.-[**.] Crinson amaranth or purple Barlena. P. 110. L. 7-8 ( Verse 31). This as'oka tree with its new sprouts shines like a brave warrior in the thick of the fight anoint- oil with dense sanguine coating.--[7.] Anointment, smearing the body with ungents. 'चर्चा स्थाधर्ममुण्डायां चिन्तास्थासकयोरपि' इति हैमा. Metre गाथा. P. 110. L. 13. ETAPE-Vasautgend speaks Sanskrit here. Cf.-uraai &c. See page 4, Blarata 'योषितूसखीबालवेश्याकितवाप्सरसां तथा । वैदग्ध्यार्थ प्रदातव्यं संस्कृतश्चान्तरान्तरा.'॥ --[3.] Vocative particle. P. 111, L. 3-4 (Verse 32 ). Do tho birds in the form of friends resort happily to him who is a good tree having foliage of merits, branches of modesty, root of honour, flowers of magnanimi- ty and fruits of excellence? Metre dur, Rhetorical figure परम्परितरूपकम्-'नियतारोपणोपायः स्यादारोपः परस्य यः। तत् परम्परित लिष्टे वाचके भेदभाजि वा.'-Kavya. X. 9. P. 111. L. 12. राजवार्ताहारी]-वार्तिकः--Emissary, spy. P. 112. L. 7. [कथं हीम०] How can the drops of lower-juice fall from a mango tree after it has shed its blossoms ? i. e. Châru. slatta's pulse is exhausted, still he can produce such invaluables. fermar-Hyperbole. Mango tree stands for Cháradatta and pearls of the necklace for drops of honey. Mammata X, 13, 14,- "मिगीर्याध्यवसानं सु प्रकृतस्य परेण यत् । प्रस्तुतस्य यदन्यत्वं यथोक्तौ च कल्पमम् ॥ कार्यकारणयोर्यश्च पर्यापर्यविपर्ययः। विज्ञेयातिशयोक्तिः सा-- P. 112. L. 16. (saufa &c.] A sudden storm is gathering. P. 113. L. 2-3 [Verse 33). Let the clouds gather and dark night descend, let it rain heavily and incessantly. I care not a straw for all of them when my heart is directed toward my para mour. Metre rar, Cf. 10,31 Verses of the V. Act P, 113. L. 4. [लकु.] Abonce. Cf. 'सा समानीयतालधु'--Markandeyar