
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

66 coming to their house.-[f.] Woman in love. UTC SECTO इनिः--५१२:११५.Cf.- "तासामृतुः सफल एव हि या दिनेषु सेन्द्रायुधाम्नुपरजितदुर्दिनेषु । रत्युत्सवं प्रियतमैः सह मानयन्ति मेघागमे प्रियसखीच समानयन्ति ।' Chataklarpara Also compare 1784 verse of the Subhashitävali. P. 135. L. 5-8 (Verse 50 ). The awning with moving bordors of the collection of the stands, is ill-supported by the posts bocause of its decay and the painted wall, and the whitewash thereon being rent, is completely drenched by the collection of water. -[प्रचलित]-प्रचलितः वेद्याः बद्धभूमेः सञ्चयस्य अन्तः यस्य तत्.. [ars.] Vedi-shaped open pavilion; stand; pedestal.--[famai) Canopy, awning. 'अस्त्री वितानमुल्लोच.' इत्यमरः-स्फुटित.] स्फुटितः संमिशः सुधाद्रयस्या- नुलेपस्तस्माद्धेतो.. Metro प्रहर्षिणी ध्याशाभिर्मनजरमा प्रहर्षिणीयम्-म, न, ज, र, ग (3-10). P. 135. L. 10-11 (Verse 51). The sky yawns, as it were, with the tongue of lightning, long and uplifted arms of the rainbow, and chin of clouds hanging low.--[विधुन्]-विद्युदेव जिह्वा यस्य तेन,- [महेन्द्रचापः०] इन्द्रधनुरेव उरिकृती उरिक्षप्तौ चायती दीघों भुजौ यस्य तेन--[जलधर०] -~- जलधर एवं चिद्धा विशेषण वृद्धिं गता हनुः यस्य सेन. रूपकोस्प्रेक्षे. Metre आर्या. Cf. Supra V. 19 and the one cited there. P. 135. L. 13-14 (Verse 52). Thc heavy showers of rain fall loudly on the palm leaves, rumbling on the trees, harshly on the rocks and fiercely on the waters, and thus proceod according to the musical tune, as it were, like the lutes played upon.net.) A species of the mountain-palm. 'अथ वितुम्नका, झटामिलाउझटा साली शिवा तामलकीति च' (इति भूम्यामलक्याः) इत्यमरः. उपजातिवृत्तं इन्द्रोपेन्द्रवज्रासंमेलनात्. Act VI. P. 136. L. 10. [999******] Lit. & basket of flowers abounding inflowers. करड:--(The root + अण्डन -- अण्डकूसभूवनः उणा. १११२६), 'करण्डो मधुकोषासिकारहवलाढके' इति मेदिनी. P. 138. L. 3. [दारक: Child. (The root +बुल). P. 138, I. 5. [TESTET.) This gives the name to the play. This tog cart was filled up by Vasentasenâ with her gold orna- ments to get a golden cart for Rohasena. It was these ornaments which convinced the judges later on of Charudatta's guiltthese served as the positive proof of Vagantsena's murder by him.