पृष्ठम्:रेखागणितम् (द्वितीयः भागः).pdf/२४३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

NOTES. 3-Å number. A unit, one. बृहदको गुणगुणितलध्वयोऽस्ति - The greater number is & multiple (lit. equal to the less number repeated a number of times) of the less number. . BOOK VII. DEFINITIONS. समाङ्क=An even number. विषमाङ्क= An odd number: A quotient. प्रथमाङ्क= A prine number. योगाङ्क= A composite number. मिलितसंज्ञौ - Commensurable. A divisor. समसम - Evenly even. ara-A product. -Incommensurable. A number is defined as one which, when divided by an even number, gives an even quotient. This is not a very accurate definition. 24 when divided by 8 gives 3 as its quo- tient, and when divided by 6 gives 4 as its quotient. Is 24 then समसम wccording to definition 6 or समविषम according to definition 8? To make the definitions 6 and 8 accurate, there- fore, we should understand समेन to be equal to यावत्समेन, ie all even numbers. A number is thus equal to that which all even numbers which measure it measure it by even numbers; and a number is one which all even numbers which measure it measure it by odd numbers. A got or perfect number is one which is equal to the sum of