
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

30 The next five starm2as relate to the application of the true longitudes of the Sun and the Moon to the computation of three of the elements of the Hindu (Calendar (Paffcatiga) , vi८, 100ks.ation, tillhi and kar010 and to the deter mination of the phenomena of yat;/2ata. It must be noted that the calcula 25-26(i). (The true longitude of) the Moon reduced to Iminutes of arc should be divided by 800: the quotient (thus obtained) denotes the (number of ) 70ks.atra5 Asvini, etc., (pass ed over by the Moon). The traversed and the untraversed por tions (of the current 70 0tra) should be divided by the true daily motion (of the Moon in minutes of arc) after having Imultiplied them by 60: thus are obtained the 12d:ऽ elapsed and to elapse at sunrise. Beginning with the first point * of the maksatra A5vinl, the ecliptic is divided into 27 parts , each of 800 minutes of arc. These parts are called maksatras and are given the same names as the 20diacal asterisms, i. c: 2. Bharati 4. Rohini 5. . Mgakira

10. 11. 12. 13 Magha Purva Phalguni 18. Uttara Phalguni 19. Hasta 21 . Jyestha Mula Uttarasadha 22. 27. Sravarma drapada 8 The above rule enables us to know the maksatra in which the Moon lies at and the clapsed she entered sumrise time since that makotra as also the time to clapse before she enters the next malatra. drapada Revati The first point of the magatra A5vinl is the fixed point from longitudes of the which the planets are measured in Hindu astronomy This point coincides with the junction star of the maksatra Revati, i.e., with -Piscium