
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

vs. 29 ] }; 1. Pratipada 2. Dvitya 6. Sasth 7. Saptaml 13. Tray०da8] {{ ८८८ Kaulava Kaulava Taitila {# {{ # {# a " Balava Kaulava {a { # . Dark 1. Pratipada 7. Saptam 13. Trayoda5 14. Caturda5 Half {#

Vaja Blava Kaullava {{#. { # Taitila Taittila {#. 33 29. When the sum of the (true) longitudes of the Sun and the Moon amounts tohalf a circle (i.e., 180°), the phenomenon is called (lat०) wat ata; when that (sum) amounts to a circle (i.e., 360°), the phenomenon is called uidlhta (90t ata); and when that (sum) extends to the end of the maks८tra Anurādha (i.e., when