
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

ws. 37(ii)39] planet : them is obtained the true-mean longitude (of the planet). That corrected for (the correction due to) the ॐghro८a gives the true longitude (of the planet). That is, first calculate the mean longitude of the planet (as corrected for the longitude, bhugjantara and ८ara corrections). Then subtract it from the longitude of the planet's 3gro८ : this gives the 3gra-kendra. Calculate the corresponding bugja, and therefrom the blujahala by the application of the formula : Rsin (buja) x corrected 31gra epicycle + or - sign being taken according as fourth or second and third guadrants. Multiply that by the radius and divide the product by thesigrakara, which is e१ual to ८ 80 the = 3grakeruda is in the 39 first Rsin (bugja) x corrected manda epicycle 80 (1) Thern fnd the corresponding arc. Add halfof that are to 0r subtract that from the mean longitude of the planet's mardoc८ (apoge), according as the grakendra is greater or less than 180°. Thus is obtained the corrected longitude of the planet's mand००८ (apoge) Now subtract the corrected longitude of the planet's randocra from the mean longitude of the planet: this gives the marudakerda. Calculate the corre5 ponding bhugja, and therefrom the blujalhala by the application of the (2) true and Subtract it from or add it to the mean longitude of the planet, according as the manda-terndra is less or greater than 180": this gives the true-mean long tude of the planet. Subtract this true-mean longitude from the longitude of the planet's 3ghrocca: this gives the 3grakendra. Calculate the correspond ing bhagja, and therefrom the blujahala by the application of the formula (1) 1 C. MBh, iv. 44. We have pointed out before (uide supra, i-9-14) that the mean longitude of the sigro८, in the case of Mercury and Venus, is the heliocentric mean longitude of the planet . The heliocentric longitude may be obtained by applying the planet's mandalhala correction to that. The true longitude obtained above is the true geocentric longitude.