
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

46 Hence the above rule. The following table gives the times of rising in ast4s of at Lucknow Sign 2. Taurus 3. (Gemini 4. Cance DIRECTION, PLACE AND TIME 6. Virgo Time of Rising in asus

1670-354= 1316 1795-290=1505 1935-119=1816 1935-+119=2054 1795-+290=2085 1670-+-354-2024 C. MBh, i. 18-20. the tropical signs Sign) 12. Pisces A rule for finding the Rsine of the Sun's zernith distance and the length of the shadow of the grnommon from the time elapsed since sunrise in the foremoon or to elapse before sunset in the 10. Capricorn 9. Sagitarius 8. Scorpio 7. Libra 7-10. The ghats clapsed (since sumrise) and to be elapsed (before sunset), in the first half and the other half of the day (respectively), should be multiplied by 60 and again by 6: then they (i.e., those ghats) are reduced t0 05us. (When the Sun is) in the northern hemisphere, the usus of the Sun's ascensional difference should be subtracted from them and (when the Sun is) in the southern hemisphere, they should be added to then (Then) calculate the Rsine (of the resulting difference or sum) and multiply that by the day-radius. Then dividing that (pro duct) by the radius, operate (on the quotient) with the earth sine contrarily to that above (i.e., add or subtract the earth sine according as the Sun is in the northern or southern hemis phere). Multiply that (sum or difference) by the Rsine of the colatitude and divide by the radius : the result is the Rsine of the Sun's altitude. The square root of the difference between the souares of that and of the radius is the Rsine of the Sun's टenith distance. That multiplied by twelve and divided by the Rsine of the Sun's altitude is the true shadow (of the grnommon).