
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

vs. 35 ] 57 subtracted from half a circle (i.e., 180°) is known as (the tropical longitude of) the Sun (according as the Sun is in the first पृuadrant beginning with the tropical sign Aries or in the second guadrant beginning with the tropical sign Cancer, i.e., according as the midday shadow, if falling towards the north, is decreasing or increasing day to day, and, if falling towards the south, is in creasing or decreasing day to day). This method is for (the Sun in) the northern hemisphere. Now we describe the method for (the Sun in ) the southern hemisphere. (There) the arc (obtained above) should be added to half a circle or subtracted from 12 (signs) (i.e , from 360°) (according as the Sun is in the third quadrant beginning with the tropical sign Libra or in the fourth quadrant beginning with the tropical sign Copriorm, i.e according as the midday shadow falling towards the north is increasing or decreasing day to day). A consolidated rule for finding the Sun's declimation with the help of the Sun's meridian Zenith distance and the latitude 34. The sum or difference of the meridian 2ermith distance and the latitude, according as the (midday) shadow of the gno m0rn falls towards the south or towards the north, is known as declimation. A rule for finding the local latitude with the help of the meridian 2emith distance and declination of the Sun and the direction of the midday shadow of the gmon01) 35. When the Sun is in the northern hemisphere, the (meridian) 2emith distance and the declination of the Sun should be added together (if the midday shadow of the grnommon falls towards the north). In the contrary case (viz. when the Sun is in the southern hemisphere), or when the (midday) shadow falls in the contrary direction (i.e., towards the south), one should take their difference. The result (in each case) is the latitude. " C. MBh, i. 17