
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

62 A rule for finding the Moon's latitude : 8. Multiply the Rsine of the difference between the long tudes of the Moon, when in opposition with the Sun, and its as cending mode by 270 and divide (the product) by the true dis tance of the Moon, in minutes : the result is the Moon's (true) latitude, north or south.1 That is, where M, 68 denote the longitudes of the Moon and Moon's ascending node. This formula is evidently wrong normers. The correct formula is ) x 270' and has been discarded by later astro Rsin (M-68) x 270' approx. A rule for finding the measure of the Moon's diameter unobs cured by the shadow 9. Diminishing the (minutes of arc of the) Moon's latitude (obtained above) by half of the minutes of arc resulting on diminishing the diameter of the shadow by that of the Moon are obtained those of (the diameter of) the Moon which remain umobscured by the shadow.* It is easy to see that the obscured part of the Moon's diameter (at the time ofopposition in the case of a partial lunar eclipse) = } (diameter of shadow + Moon's diameter) - Moon's latitude, and hence the unobscured part of the Moon's diameter at that time e= Moon's latitude - (diameter of the shadow - Moon's diameter) Bhaskara I does not make any distinction between the time of opposition and the time of the middle of the clips. Hence the above rule.

  • C. MBh, v. 30-31(i). This rule occurs also in 7S, iv. 17(ii)-180()
  • This rule occurs also in 2, iv.43; 5#D7, 1, v. 13; S:5, v. 11; /ऽ,

w.7; TS, iv. 19(ii)-20(i). Also see SiS, iv. 10; BSS, iv. 7; SS, 1, v. 11.