
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

17 Mars Jupiter Saturn Planet Pp. 53 .ि of Mercury Correction per annum Ni। -985 minutes or –6'21" 65/134 minutes or -29"6" -13/32 minutes or -24"2"' +45/235 minutes or +11"29” +420/235 minutes or +147-14” 47/235 minutes or -12" -153|235 minutes or -39"4" +20|235 minutes or +-5"6" The above verse has already been proved to be interpolatory and not belonging to the original. The reasons for that con clusion may be summarised here as follows : (i) The correction stated in the above verse does not occur in the author's bigger work, the Mala-Bhaskarya, mor in his commentary or the Aryablba yu. (ii) The system of numeral notation used for forming number-chromograms in the above verse is alhabeti० (kata29d system) whereas at other places in the Logbu-Bhaskarya the auth0r has used the word mumeral system. In the other works of Bhaskara 1, too, the latter system is used. (iii) The language and style of this verse are not in con formity with the rest of the Laghu-Bhaskaryou.

  • See Part , Chapter II, 2:31.
  • For the alphabetic and word-numeral systems of notation, the reader

is referred to B. Datta and A. N. Singh, History of Hindu Mathematics, Part I,pp.53 f.],