
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

78 the corresponding lambana in glo!ऽ is obtained by the formula :- The second approximation to the time of apparent conjunction is then obtained by the application of the formula : time ofapparent conjunction = time ofgcocentric conjunction + lambara in time for the time ofapparent conjunction. (2) The text prescribes the use of + or - sign in this formula according as the time ofgeocentric conjunction falls in the aftermo n or in the foremoon But this is incorrect; the correct procedure is to use + or - sign according as the Sun and Moon at the time of apparent conjunction lie to the west or to the east of the central ecliptic point The second approximation to the time of apparent conjunction of the Sum and Moon having been thus found, the above process is repeated again and again until the nearest approximation to the lamburla for the time of apparent conjunction is arrived at The rational८ of formula (1) is as follows: Moon's parallax in longitude dgatjya x Earth's semi-diameter in y0jar1075 minutes of arc. Moon's true distance in yojards But Moon's true distance in 9ja7105 Moon's mean daily motion in y9jara5 x 3438 Moon's true daily m0tion in minutes of arc Earth semi-diameter in 19jaras Moon's true distance in 199jar105 (1) M1001's mean daily motion in 1ygjurus x R. x (Moon's true daily motion in minutes of arc) 525 (Moon's true daily motion in minutes of arc) 79058x34383 Moon's true daily motion in minutes of arc 15x3438