
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

82 The term stliyardha means “halfthe duration (of the eclipse)”. The shar50 ऽthiyardlla, in the case of a solar eclipse, is the time-interval between the first contact and apparent conjunction; and the moksa-stlijyardha is the time-inter val between apparent conjunction and the last contact. The ऽthijuardia is obtained as in the case of the lunar clipse by the formula where or denotes half the sum of the diameters of the Sun and Moon, 3 the Moon's true latitude, and d the difference between the true daily motions of The sparsa- and m0:0- stliyardlhas obtained by the above rule give their approximate values only. To obtain the nearest approximations to the exact values one should apply the method of successive approximations. See Condition for the impossibility of a solar clipse: 15. When the minutes of the (Moon's) true latitude (ob tained above) are equal to the minutes of half the sum of the diameters of the Sun and the Moon, then the Moon does not hide the disc of the Sun, wh0se rays are the destroyers ofdarkness1.

  • C. MBl, v. 33.