
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

vss. 6-9 (i)] LATITUDES OF PLANETS 93 according as they are moving in unlike or like directions: then are obtained the days, etc. (elapsed since or to elapse before the time of conjunction of the two planets) - 1 The longitude of those two neighbouring planets should then be made equal up to minutes of arc by subtracting from or adding to their longitudes their motions (corresponding to the above days, etc) obtained by proportion with their true daily motions. 2 To obtain the nearest approximation to the desired "result, the above process should be repeated again and again. A rule relating to the determination of the latitudes of the two planets which are in conjunction in longitude : 6-9 (i) . In the case of Mercury and Venus, subtract the longi- tude of the ascending node from that of the sighrocca: (thus is obtained the longitude of the planet as diminished by the longi- tude of the ascending node). 3 The longitudes (in terms of deg- rees) of the ascending nodes of the planets beginning with Mars are respectively 4, 2, 8, 6, and 10 each multiplied by 10. 4 The greatest latitudes, north or south, in minutes of arc, (of the planets beginning with Mars) are respectively 9, 12, 6, 12, and 12, each multiplied by 10. 5 (To obtain the Rsine of the latitude of a planet) multiply (the greatest latitude of the planet) by the Rsine of the longitude of the planet minus the longitude of the ascending node (of the planet) (and divide by the "divisor" defined below). 6 The product of the mandakarna and the slghrakarna divided by the radius is the distance between the Earth and the planet : this is defined as the "divisor". 7 i' Cf. MBh, vi. 49-50 (i). 2 Cf. MBh, vi. 51(i). 3 Cf. MBh, vi. 53(H)- Also see SiSi, II, vi. 23(i).

  • Cf. MBh, vii. 10(i).

6 Cf. MBh, vii. 9. 8 Cf. MBh, vi. 52. 7 Cf. MBh, vi. 48.