
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

THEORY OF THE PULVERISER 107 sum by the (reduced) dividend (bhija2ta7) : the tained) is the mat 107 uotient (ob

  • When the interpolator is positive, diminish the (reduced)

(/07alharaguritat garntagya), divide that by the (reduced) divid end (a24asya bltiyalabalhaya), and then divide the (resulting) quotient by the (reduced) divisor (hralhta5ya) : the remainder (obtained) is the mat. In case the remainder is 2ero, the divi sor itself is the 70t;

  • Multiply the (reduced) dividend by the matt; then sub

tract the gator ( ८., negative interpolator) from or add the garat0 90 (i.e., positive interpolator) to that (product); and then divide that (difference or sum) by the (reduced) divisor. Write down the 720t under the chain (of(uotients), and underneath that (72ati) write down the quotient (obtained) als0. “By the permultimate number (of the chain of quotients) multiply the upper number and (to the product) add the last (i.८., lowermost) number. (After doing this rub out the last number). Repeat this process again and again until there are lef only two numbers in the chain. 36641.४-24 394479375 (Of these two numbers) divide the upper number by the divisor and the lower number by the dividend (if it is possible) The remainders (obtained) denote (respectively) the days, etc ., and the revolutions, etc., which are the requisite quantities.' The above rule would be clear by the following example: Ex. 3. The residue of the revolution (bhagap0-ssa) of Saturn is 24 ; find the days (alhagapa) and the revolutions performed by Saturn, given that the formula for the Sun's revolutions for 4 days is 366414/394479375 Let ४ be the unknown days and y the unknown revolutions performed by Saturn in x days. Then we have to solve the pulveriser We see that the numbers 36641 and 39479375 are already prime each other, so we proced with these numbers. to