
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

S0720072011ala (सममण्डल) The prime vertical Samurkha समरेखा) The meridian Samual}}}termult (समलिप्तेन्दु) The longi time of opposition or conjuc So7207:0 (सम्पर्क) The sum of the Contact. Used in the sense of “the sum of the diameters of the clipsed and eclipsing bodies . Sam}}07:0-dala (सम्पर्कदल) Same as Sam107kardlh0 (सम्पर्कार्ध) Half the sum of the diameters of the eclipsed and eclipsing bodies . Sal:057ditSu (सहस्रांशु) The Su Sagara (सागर) Four Sa720705tak4 (सार्पमस्तक) Name of astronomical phenome- Sauitra (सावित्र) Pertaining to the Sita (सित) (1) The measure of the illuminated part of the M00m's disc; the phase of the Moon. (2) The lightlhalf of a 1umar mouth (sta-20aka). (3) 137 of the illuminated part of the Moon's disc. Sutradlt}}20 (राधिप) Fourteen. Sy0 (सूर्य) (1) The Sum (2) Twelve. Surya (सौम्य) (1) North. (2) The northern (hemisphere) (3) Mercury Saur (सौरि) Saturn Stliyurdlb0 (स्थित्यर्घ) Half the dura tion (of an eclipse) Half the duration (of arm Stlbild, (स्थूल) (Gross, approximate S2050 (स्पर्श) (Contact Shlbutta (स्फुट) True, corrected Shuta-grolb0 (स्फुटग्रह) True planet. Shuta-bl५kti ( स्फुटभुक्ति । True (daily) motion Shuta-blb00g0 ( स्फुट-भोग ) True (daily ) motion Slbuto-710dly0 ( स्फुटमध्य ) True mean; the true-mean planet; the true-mean longitude of a planet Slbut0-9ja70-010 (स्फुटयोजनकर्ण) The true distance (of a planet) in terms of99juras Shu40-urta (स्फुटवृत्त) '[rue corrected epicycle Sudasa-blbumt-uttu (स्वदेशभूमिवृत्त) The local circumference of the Earth, .e., circumference of the local circle of latitude 0"