x - v i INTRODUCTION Verses 6-7 give a rule for finding the measure of the Moon's illuminated part in the light half of the month and the measure of the Moon's unilluminated part m the dark halt of the month. Verses 8-12(i) relate to the calculation of the base of the eleva- tion triangle. Verses 12(ii)-18 relate to the construction of the figure exhibiting tL elevation of the lunar horns in the first and second quar- ters of the month. Verse 19 Rives a rule for finding the duration of visibility of the Moon in the light half of the month. Verses 20-21 relate to the time of rising of the Moon on the full moon day. Verse 22 relates to the determination of the shadow of the gnomon due to the Moon. Verses 23-25 gives a rule for finding the time of moonrise in the dark half of the month. The seventh chapter comprises 10 verses and deals with the visibility and conjunction of the planets. Verses 1-2 give the minimum distances of the planets from the Sun. in degrees of time, at which they become vsrble. Verse 3 gives the method for finding the degrees of time between the Sun and a planet. Verses 4-5 give a rule for finding the time and common longi- Le of two neighbouring planets when they are m conjunc- tion in longitude. Verses 6-9(i) give the method for finding the latitudes of the planets. Verses 9-10 relate to the determination of the distance between two planets which are in conjunction in longitude.
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति