to Mrdu-spasta. true-mean. Mrga The sign Capricorn. Mrgamukha The first point of Capricorn. Muhurta A unit of time equal to 2 ghagis or 48 minutes. Mukti Release of the eclipsed body; end of eclipse; last contact. Mandaspasta or Nā Same as Śanku. Nadiyrtta The equator. Naksatra Star; zodiacal star-group or asterism; twenty-seventh part of the ecliptic. Nalaka The observer's tube. Nara Same as Sanku. Nata Meridian Zenith distance (na tamsa); hour angle (natakala). Nati Parallax in latitude. Nīca Perigee. Nicocca-yidhana The theory. Nicocca-vrtta Epicycle. Nimilana immersion; beginning of total eclipse. epicyclic Niragrata Absence of remainder. Niraksa The equator. Nirakşa-rāśyudaya Right ascenision of the signs; time of ris ing of the signs at the equator. Niramihśadina (or Niramina-niśā) Synodic period in terms of days. Nr Same as Sariku. Nrtala Same as Sankutala. APPEND 1X III Pada (or Pada) Quadrant (of a circle). Pala Terrestrial latitude i.e. lati tude of a place. Palabha Equinoctial midday sha dow (of the gnomon). Palakarna Hypotenuse of the equinoctial midday shadow. Paraphala (= Paramaphala) Maxi mum correction. Parapiiramandala The vertical. Paridhi Epicycle. Parilekha Diagram. Parilekhasiatra Thread equal to the radius of the inner boundary of the Moon's illuminated part. Pariyarta Revolution. Same as Bhagaņa. Parva Full moon or new moon tithi. Paryaya Revolution. Same as Bhagana. Pata Moon's ascending node: Vyatipata and Vaidhyta. Pajtaila Nadir. Phala Result, correction. Prabha Shadow. Prāgapara East-West. Pragllagna Same as Udayalagha. prime . Pragraha (or Pragrahana) Beginn ing of eclipse. Pratilona Clockwise. Pratimandala The eccentric. Pratimandala vidhi The eccentric theory. Pravistara Diameter. Pronnata Same as Unnata. Pūrvāpara East-west.
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति