
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

is one of the several /* scholarly works that proceeded from the pen of the illustrious Appaya, Dikshita, wh0 flourished i॥ Southern India, in the sixteenth (611tury and who was held in great revere10e throughout the length and scholarship. are The stem for his genius was suct it was 01sidered lis0 u1rteous even to refer to bium by 1is name. The honorific appellution 'IDikshita. (8011sidered (uite sufficient to specify him. He was t16 masterly tre92 tisses; full of original thought and that WS close 1611t:४1'w on the Kal]]}॥turu of A[1al, ma,110da, which is itself 8, (6011106nt2.ry on the Bh१umat which in its tu।'। the of the Sutras, his Siddh: 11tale;$2581gra.h१, wherein he explait1s all on all controversial points, his Ny yarakshहै.m१11 which is a splendid ex)0sition of the dw१itic inte'pretation of