एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

८६ " ३१३. असत्वे तु चित्प्रकाशारोपेितस्याधिष्ठानाध्यस्तत्वसम्बन्धेन प्रकाशोपपत्तिरितेि चेन्न ; विचारागोचरत्वात् । ३ १४ . तथाहि-कथं प्रकाशेतेति कोऽर्थः ? कथं प्रकाशः स्या दिति वा ? कथं प्रकाशाश्रय इति वा ? कथं प्रकाशविषय इति वा ? ३१५ . न प्रथमद्वितीयौ ; अनभ्युपगमात् । तृतीयेऽपि किं प्रकाश शब्देन चैतन्यं विवक्षितम् ? वृत्तिर्वा ? ३१६. नाद्य ; चैतन्याविषयत्वेऽपि बाधकाभावात् ; वृत्तिविषय वादावली Imanifestor) should manifest, then there would be (the defect of) undue extension 313 . “ If, however, it is (regarded as) unreal (illusory) its manifestation is intelligible by the relation of substrate and super-imposition thereon for (the universe) which is superimposed on the self-luminous consciousness ;' if this be said, 10 (says the sid dhāntin); for it is beyond the sphere of (comprehension by) inguiry. 314. 1t is as follows : what is the meaning of

  • how ca11 it be manifest  ? Is it (1) * how does it

become manifest '? (2) * or how is it the substrate of manifestation1 ? or (3) * how is it the content of

  • *

315. Not the first and the second, because they are not accepted. In the third too, is * consciousness,' or psychosis the meaning intended by the word

  • manifestation? ? ? •

316. Not the first ; for, though not the content of

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