एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

१३१ ४६१. तद्वदेव युगपत्प्रतीतयोर्धर्मिप्रतियोगिभावेन भेदप्रतीत्युप पत्तेरपि नान्योन्याश्रयाद्यापातः । ४६२ . अत एव परस्परभेदप्रतीतेरपि तत्तत्प्रत्ययापृथग्भावान्ना न्योन्यापेक्षा । ४६३ . परमात्मतदितरभेदोऽपि तत्तत्स्वरूपग्राहकप्रमाणावसेय इति नोक्तदोषावकाशः । न हेि घर्मिप्रतियोगिभेदप्रत्ययानां क्रमभावे मानं पश्यामः । neutral cogTition of objects without the cognition * is ',

  • was , or ' wi]] be

461. Fve1 likewise, there is no contir1gence of (the defect of) reciprocal dependence etc , ever be cause of the intelligibility of the cognition of difference as substrate and counter-C0relate, in the case of 2) pair simultaneously cognised. 462 . For the same reas01 evel1 in the case of the cognition of reciprocal difference, since each (such cognition) is inscparable from the corresponding cog 1ition (of the substrate (or the counter-correlate) thcre is 10 mutual dependence. 463. There is no r00m for the add11ced defect, since even the difference between the Supreme self and (other things has to be determined by the means of valid kn७wledge apprehending the respoective entities. We see modeed no authority for a relation of seguence among the cognitions of the substrate, the counter

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