एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति


I (1) Invocatory verse to Lord Vi~QU as the agent and the creator of the absolutely real universe II (2) The Advaitin's inference refuting the absolute reality of the universe, and establishing its illusoriness is stated • Ill (3) The siddhantin resolves the probandum of the "Advaitin's inference into seven alternative IV (4-15) Hefutation of the fust alternative, in.determinability V (16·25) The concept of Atmatva (selfhood) is criticised in detail, in connection with the examination of the Advaitin's definitions of the real and the unreal . VI (26-42) Hefutation of the pramaqas urged in respect of the establishment of indeterminability : Inference ; Presumptive implication VII (43) Refutation of the second alternative, mzreality VIII (44-60) H.efutation of the third alternative, being different from the real IX (61-68) Refutation of the fourth alternative, bei1tg the content of valid cognition X (69. 70) Refutation of the fifth alternative, beittg the carttent of invalid cognitio1z XI (71-88) Refutation of the sixth alternative, being nescience or a product thereof , XII (89-130) Refutation of the pmmaQas in respect of the positive nature of nescience: In'ference; Another inference from the Vivarat,ta; Sleep-experience ; The two usages




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