एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

१४० वादावली ४८८. अन्यतरचन्द्रस्यैवारोपितत्वेनारोपितानारोपितभेदे च्यभि चारश्च । मुक्तामुक्तभेदेऽनैकान्यं च । ४८९. मुक्तामुक्तयोभेदोऽसिद्ध इति चेन्न ; विमतो भिन्नो मुक्तत्वादिति तत्सिद्धेः । शुक्ताविव रजतमाविद्यको भेदो मुक्तऽप्यङ्गीक्रियते इति चेन्न ; मुक्तस्याविद्येति व्याहते । ४९०. ननु किं भेदः परमात्मप्रतियोगिकः साध्यते ? उत जीव प्रतियोगिकः ? अथवा जडप्रतियोगिकः ? आहोस्वित्सकलप्रतियोगिकः 488. And there is the inconstancy (of the pro bams) in respect of the difference between the super imp0sed a11d the 10n-superimp0sed (m00rns) since only one of the two 1701s is superimp0sed. And there is the 1conclusiveness (of the probams) in respect of the difference between the released (mukta) and the 101-released (amukta) 489. If it be said that there is non-establishment of difference betwee the released und the 107-released, 10 (says the siddhantirm) ; for it is established thus : those (selves) in dispute are different, because they are 1iberated.' 1f It be said that just like the (illusory) Silver in macre, there is accepted (only) a mescience created difference eve1 of the liberated, 10 (says the siddhāntir1) ; for there is the contradictiotr in (the words) “ 1escience of the .” liberated 490. Now, is the difference established with the supreme self for its counter-correlate, or the (individual)

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