एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

वादावली ३९. प्रकृतादन्यात्मना प्रतीतेरेव भ्रान्तित्वात् । तत्र चान्या कारस्यासतः सत्वेन प्रतिभासाङ्गीकारात् तस्यानिर्वचनीयत्वं ब्रम इतेि चेन्न । ४०. तदपि किं प्रकृतेनैच रूपेण प्रतीयते भ्रान्तावन्याकारेण वा ? आद्ये भ्रान्तिव्यवहारलोपप्रसङ्गः । ४१. द्वितीयेऽसतस्सत्वेन प्रतीतिरनिवार्या । अथ तस्याप्य निर्वचनीयत्वं मन्यसे. तनवस्था । ४२, 39, तथा च निर्णयदर्शनं दुश्शकं प्रसज्येत । For it is only the cognition (of ar object) as there there is accepted the appearance as real of what the indeterminability of that (delusion ) ' If this be said, no (says the siddhantin) 40. In that declusive cognition, is that (i1detcr Iminability) to cognised as having its own nature or tingence of failure of the empirical usage in respect of delusion). 41. In the second case, there is 10 getting over the cognition of the unreal as real sidered indeterminable, then there would be infmite 42. Thus there is the contingence of the impossi bility of * sighting ascertainment (in respect of ir1 determinability).

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