पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/१२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

praises it for its holiness, for the sanctity and learning of
its Brahmans, for its coolness in summer and for the beauty
of its groves, "which even those cannot forget who have
reached the gardens of the celestials." He extols its women
for their beauty, for their learning which allows them to
speak Sanskrit and Prakrit like their native tongue and for.
their cleverness in acting."
Among its buildings he mentions the Bhattarakamatha, the
Agralitras or Brahminical settlements, founded by Haladbara, 8
the temple of Kshemagauris'vara near the Samgama, the Sam
grâmakshetramatha and the Agrahâras established by king Ananta-
deva, 10 the store-house near the temple of S'ankara, built by
Anauta's queen, 11 the ancient temple of S'iva that still shows in
its roof the hole, through which, king Pravara bodily ascended
to heaven'¹2 and the lofty palaces of the kings of Kashmir.13
After the description of the town follow notices of two
kings of Kashmir and of their sons who apparently were the
contemporaries of Bilhapa.
The first of these is king Anantadeva.
He is praised for his truthfulness, liberality and bravery. Of
him it is said, that he made a successful war against the
1 XVIII. 1. 3-8.
2 XVIII. 2. 32.
3 XVIII. 18.
4 XVIII. 11-13, 17. 20-21.
5 XVIII. 6.
6 XVIII. 23, 29.
7 XVIII. 11; Rajatar. VI. 240.
8 XVIII. 19; Rajatar. VII. 214.
9 XVIII. 28; Rajatar. VII. 180.
10 XVIII. 24, Rajatar. VII. 185.
11 XVIII. 26; Rajatar. VII. 180.
12 XVIII. 28; Rajatar, III. 376.
13 XVIII. 30.