पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/१६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

in many places, gardens, filled for the enjoyment of all man -
kind with grapes, lecture-halls, wells with pellucid water and
drinking fountains, ornaments of the realm, became the body-
guards of. Dharma who showed fear of Kali.
(79.) From him, possessed of spotless fame, sprang Jyeshṭhat-
kalas'a an ocean of mercy, a store house of poetic and of sacred
lore, who composed an exposition of the Mahabhashya, to be
revered by all, and whose court was ever adorned by numerous
(80.) What was difficult to perform for him, in sacrifices,
pious gifts, hospitality, the gentle ruling of his servants and
other holy works befitting him ? He took for his wife
Nâgadevi, worthy of pure praise, who was skilled in assisting
to gain the treasures of this world and of the next.
(81.) From that sage sprung, that pinnacle of the Universe,
Bilhana, who charmed the eyes of men with limbs resplendent
like quickened gold. Since he was invested with the girdle
of Munja grass, the jingling of Sarasvati's bangles was indi-
stinctly audible in his mouth in the guise of numerous Veda
(82) The Veda with its Angas, the considerations of (the
incarnation of) the Lord of snakes on grammar, and the
science of poetics, sweet to the ear, were his life-breath. But
who is able to completely enumerate (the subjects of lis
studies)? Listen, the truth is that there was nothing that was
not reflected in the spotless mirror of his understanding.
(83.) Attracted by the dust of Sarasvati's feet, which acted
as a charin, the Muses their eyes bent on his face formed a circle
around him. His sweet poems which went forth with his
fame to every quarter of the world, prevented like faith ful
attendants that nymph from becoming fickle.
1 S'ubhastomapâtram may mean also 'a vessel of all auspiciousness
or virtue.¹