पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/२१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Mahabhúshya. His mother's name was Nagâdevi. He had an
elder brother Ishtaráma and a younger brother called Ânanda,
who both were Pandits and poets. Bilhana received his educa-
tion in Kashmir and studied chiefly the Vedas, grammar as far
as the Mahâbhâshya, and poetics or Alamkára.
After finishing his education, he left Kashmir and began that
wandering life which is now as dear to the young Pandit and poet
as it was in the palmy days of Hindu rule. Bâņa tells us in the
S'ribarshacharita, that he also left his home and enjoyed the
freedom of the life of a wandering minstrel, though his family
was wealthy. In our days, too, wandering poets and Pandits
may be met with all over India. I have received visits
from such men, who came from the Punjab and from Oude.
They had passed from one little native court in Northern India
and Rajputana to the other, holding disputations, showing off
their learning, and composing poetry extempore (S'tghrakavita)
for the delectation of such princes as cared about the ancient
lore and language of their country. Wherever they had
succeeded in producing a favourable impression and in procuring
Dakshina, they had stayed for longer periods, until their patrons
had got tired of them or they had been ousted from favour by
the efforts of the native Pandits. For every little principality
has its Pandits who have a claim to the liberality of the Raja
by right of inheritance, and these men guard their preserves
most jealously against all outsiders. If an outsider succeeds
in gaining a share of the prince's favour beyond the customary
Dakshina, which is granted to all learned strangers, they will
leave no stone unturned to drive the intruder away, and I have
heard many a bitter complaint of the Mâtsarya, the jealousy
shown by the Pandits enjoying fixed bereditary allowances
against the wanderers. The tour of a Northern Pandit, if it
1. No copy of this work has as yet been found, nor have I ever
seen it quoted.