पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/३०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

by creating a hero who would be a terror to the evil,
doers. On hearing this request the Creator directed his looks
towards his Chuluka or water vessel and from it sprung a
handsome warrior fit to protect the three worlds. From
him descended the Châlukyas a race of heroes, among whom
Hórita is reckoned as first progenitor and Manavya arose
who humbled the kings of the earth. The original seat of the
Chalukyas was Ayodhyâ. Some of them desirous of victory
extended their conquests thence to the reign of the betel-palms
in the South, "where the tusks of their elephants wrote the
records of their victories on the sands of the ocean-shore that
witnesses the secrets of the Cholas. Narrow was the realm of
Vibhishana to them and their horses roamed as far as the snowy
In course of time, Tailapa (973-997) became the ornament
of the Chalukya race, a mighty warrior, who utterly destroyed
'those thorns of the earth,' the Rashtrakútas.
After him ruled Satyás'raya (997-1008) who surpassed Bhar-
gava in the skillful use of his bow. He was succeeded by Ja-
yasimha (1018-1040) who after a long career, glorious through
1. I. 31-56; compare Jour. R. A. Soc. IV. 8. extract from the
Handarki inscription.
2. I. 58; compare Jour. R. A. S. Soc. loc. cit.; the Mangalis'a
plate Indian Ant. III. 305 and Jour, R. A. S. new ser. I. 255.
3. I. 63-67; compare Jour. R. As. S. IV. 6, 12 where Sir W.
Elliott states according to his inscriptions that fifty-nine princes of this
dynasty reigned at Ayodhyâ and other places.
4. I. 69-73; compare Jour. R. A.S. IV. 6. Lassen J. A. IV. 103,
Bilhana has left out this king's expedition against Malva, which is
mentioned in bis inscriptions and admitted in the Bhojacharitra. Ac
cording to the latter Munja was captured and killed by Tailapa, but
avenged by his successor.
5. I. 74-78, compare Joar. R. As. Soc. IV. 13, Lassen loc. cit. He
is also called Satyasri.