पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/३७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

After that he set out for Kalyana in order to console his
brother. Somes'vara came out to meet him and received him
affectionately. The two brothers lived for somelime after in
boncord and friendship. Vikrama, though superior to Somne.
s'vara by his talents, honoured the latter as the chief of his house
and his king. He also presented him with the booty which
he had made in his wars. After a while, howover, Somes'vara
fell into evil courses. Pride obscured his judgmonit, he became
suspicious, cruel, atid avaricious, so that he tarnished the glory
of the Chalukya race and all right-minded persons fell away
from him. He even tried to do harmi to his brother. When thay
latter saw; that he was unable to restrain the king from ovil
and had to fear for his life and good name, he lofi Kalyana to-
gether with all his followers. He, also, took with him the
youngest son of Khatamalla, Jayasimha, as he did not think him
safe, whilst living near the king. Somes'vara, on learning that
his brothers had fled, sent an army in pursuit of thom. Vikra
mdditya,, unwilling to make wat against his brother, avoided it
for a time. But, when finally compelled to fight, he destroyed
it like one mouthful.' Other forces which were despatolod
after him in succession, suffered the samo fato, until these re-
peated losses forced Somtes'udra to desist from persecuting his
more talented brother.2
Vikramd, on being left to himself marched towards the Tanga
bhadrá, on whose bank he rested his army for some time.
1. IV. 69-96. Bilhana is again very careful to point out Vikra-
ma's excellence and his generosity towards his brother in order to
show that his hero gave no cause for the subsequent disagreemonts.
2. IV. 97-V. 9. Compare Jour. As. Soc: IV. 14:
3. The Tungabhadrà apparently formed the southern frontier
of the Chalukya kingdom and beyond it lay the dominions of the Chola;
compare also below vs. 56, where Vikrama is requested to tecede to the