पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/३९

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

his expedition and to retire to the Tungabhadrd where the Cho-
Ia king promised to meet him. The retreat to the river was
arranged in order to save appearances, lest it should be said
that the Chola had proffered his friendship through fear. Ac-
cordingly the king and the prince met; the former was nmble
and the latter generous to his former foe. They were pleased
with each other and Vikrama's marriage with the Chola princess
was duly celebrated. The king then departed. Shortly after-
wards while Vikrama was still tarrying on the Tungabbadra,
the news reached him that his father-in-law was dead and that
the Chola kingdom was in a state of anarchy. Ile at once start-
ed for the south in order to place his wife's brother on the
throue. He entered Kúnchi and put the rebels there under
his heel. Next he visited Gdngakunda, dostroyed the armies of
the enemy and finally secured the throno to the Chola prince.
After a montli's further stay in Kanchi he returned to the
But his expedition was not to have any lasting effects. A
few days after his return, he learned that his brother-in-law
had lost his life in a fresh rebellion and that Rájiga, the lord
of Vengi, had taken possession of the throne of Kanchi.4
1. V. 28-VI. 3.
2. VI, 6-25.
3. I conclude this from the expression prakritivirodhahntasya chola-
sünoh' (vs. 26), which I translate by 'of the Chola prince, who had been
slain in consequence of a disagreement with his subjects.' It might
be taken to mean "of the Chola prince, who had been killod (by
Rajiga) in consequence of an inveterate enmity." But the statement,
made above, that after the death of the old Chola monaroh a rebellion
broke out, which had to be quelled by Vikrama, speaks in favour of
the former interpretation.
4. The mistake in the text (vs. 26)
for was caused by my
consulting Prof. H. H. Wilson's Cat. Mackenzio Coll. before my at-
tention was drawn to Sir W. Elliott's second article on the Chalukyan