पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/४६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

son and the ensuing rainy season Vikrama stopped in the capital,
entirely devoting himself to pleasure. He composed also a poem,
describing the breaking of the Monsun, which he addressed to
But when the end of the rainy season came, he received
news which rudely aroused him from his luxurious repose.
A confidential adviser informed him, that his brother Jaya -
simhd, whom he had made viceroy of Vanavâsa after the victory
over Somes'vara and Rajiga, was meditating treason. In proof
of this assertion the informer stated that Jayasimba amassed
treasures by oppressing his subjects, that he increased his army,
that he had subjected to himself the forest-tribes, that he was
seeking the friendsnip of the Dravida king and that, worst of
all, he tried to seduce Vikrama's soldiers from their allegiance.
In conclusion he added that the prince would shortly advance
with hostile intentions to the Krishnaveni.
Vikrama was greatly distressed by this news, which opened
the prospect of another fratricidal war. Unwilling to act without.
fuller information, he sent out spies to inquire into the truth of
the accusations against Jayasingha. The report which they brought
back, confirmed it. Even then the king was averse from harsh
measures. He addressed friendly exhortations to his brother,
representing to him that, as be possessed already regal power in
the provinces assigned to him, a rebellion would profit him but
little. But all was in vain.
In the meantime autumn came. The beauty of this season, (of
which a lengthy description is given), did not allay Vikrama's
anxiety and distress. He again made repeated attempts to be re-
conciled to Jayasimha. But the latter would no longer receive his
mossages. He advanced to the Krishna where many Mândalikas
1. XIII. 1.90.-I will not decide if we have really to recognize in
Vikramaditya a royal author or if Bilhana merely puts the poem into
his month in his anxiety to give a complete description of the seasons.