पृष्ठम्:विक्रमोर्वशीयम् (कल्पलताव्याख्यासमेतम्).djvu/७२

पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

"Men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever." A sentiment would become subsidiary to the other if the आश्रय of the both happen to be the same. Even two different रसs one being अङ्गी or the principal and the other अङ्ग or auxiliary, may be inter-woven in one and the same play.

 There are eight permanent sentiments that give birth to the principal eight रसाःरति is the स्थायीभाव of the sentiment of श्रृङ्गार or the erotic;हास for the हास्य or the comic,शोक for the करुण or the pathetic, क्रोध for रौद्र or the furious;उत्साह for वीर or the heroic, भय for भयानक or the terrible, जुगुप्सा for the बीभत्स or loathsome and विस्मय for अद्भुत or the marvellous. According to the maxim "शान्तोऽपि नवमो रसः" the sentiment of शान्त the quietistic, having शम for its स्थायीभाव, is the ninth.

 The sentiment of श्रृङ्गार is the foremost and commonest of all. It may be either विप्रलम्भ or love in separation and सम्मोग or love in union. विप्रलम्भ may be due to अयोग without the original contact which results in ten stages of Cupid, known as अभिलाषश्चिन्तास्मृतिगुणकथनोद्वेगसंप्रलापाश्च । उन्मादोऽथ व्याधिर्जडतामृतिरिति दशात्र कामदशाः। or due to विप्रयोग= the separation after once having enjoyed a hearty union. विप्रयोग may be caused by मान the jealousy arising from the violation of the duties by a lover, or प्रवास, , length of journey or शाप the malediction arising from the displeasure of a deity or a sage, which may be rectified later on.सम्भोग श्रृङ्गार is that in which the lover and the beloved enjoy the intimate contact with each other.

 The ruling sentiment in this play is सम्भोग शृङ्गार the love in union. The substrata of the sentiment are inter alia Pururavas and Urvashi. The first contact between the two in the chariot while returning to the Hemkuta is the basis of the purva raga, which is of a माञ्जिष्ट or of bright, unflinching type. Then subsequent exchange of glances, coaxing speech and expression of smiles and bashfulness are the ensuant feelings. The lonely situation, cool and fragrant breeze and the pluvial charms are the excitants which awaken the erotic emotions. Eagerness, mental reverie, pensive mood and uneasiness of heart are occasional feelings that remain auxiliary to the emotion of love.

The subsidiary sentiment in this play is a rare comic and a predominating Vipralambha. The Vipralambha here is due to मान of the heroine who contracted jealousy at the sight of the hero's appreciative glances towards Udayavati.