
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

[ 8 ] oould not or would not understand this simple quc5- tion. His reasoning was so bad that I felt compelled to write a reply. I wrote one with the title "lima . msa Nyaya Sanchara. which may be found at the end of my Mimamsabhyudaya. In that paper too I did not say anything against Advaita. His subse quent works were too full of mistakes and blunder to keep me silent. I however resisted the temptation. he has written a commentary on the Advaita Vedanta Paribhasha, wherein he frequently criticises the good old commentary by Ramakrishna Dikshita, a profound scholar. I began to write a com:nentary of my own on the Vedanta Paribhasha with a view to make known to the scholarly public the fact that wherever Sri Sastri differed from the old commentator the latter is always correct and the former always wrong. Unfor tunately the commentary could not be completed and published, It is a matter for utmost regret and sorrow for all good men, for a well-wishers of humanity, that H. H. Sankaracharya of Kamakoti Fitham is since very long back inducing and encouraging Advaita Pandits to write works refuting Visi- shtadvaita. I fail to understand why at all any advaitin should look askance at the other philo- sophy. I remember to have read somewhere in Sri S. Radhakrishnan's work a line like Ve are Advaitins in thecry, Visishtadvaitins in religion and Draitins in practice. That should be the attitude cf Advaitins towards the other schools of Vedanta. All that is